Bilingual Units


Waimahia Intermediate has two thriving bilingual units – TMM for Te Reo Māori and Apolima for Gagana Samoa. Bilingual education is where subjects are taught in two languages and students become biliterate or fluent speakers and writers in both languages by the end of their schooling. The goal is for our students to become biliterate and NCEA Level 1 ready by the end of their two years in our bilingual classes.

Te Manukura Maia is our bilingual Māori whānau.

Apolima is our bilingual Samoan aiga.

Both classes cover the same format for learning as all our students. However, the projects and other contexts for learning will come from a ‘te ao Māori’ and ‘faa Samoa’ perspective. Projects will be chosen to provide opportunities for our bilingual learners to celebrate and expand their understanding of what it is to be Māori and/or Samoan. There are timetabled lessons when teaching and learning is in te reo Māori or gagana Samoa and times where teaching and learning is in English. Specific language teaching will take place where students learn te reo Māori or gagana Samoa. If you would like your tamariki or alo to learn in this bilingual setting, please use the enrolment forms below.

Te Manukura Maia
